So we exit 2019 and enter the 2020 decade. It has been quite a year and decade. The metrics of the 2010s show that it was the best decade on record for mankind.
Now it does not mean that the decade was not flawed. Climate change is still a major pressing issue for the planet’s future. Unfortunately the 2011 Japan earthquake and the meltdown at Fukushima caused a major setback in the public mind of nuclear power. Nuclear power is our single best bet against climate change as other alternatives have energy and disposal flaws in the future. One example is the damage that small particles in the wind cause to wind turbine blades. Now these problems could be solved by technology in the future and that is quite likely looking at the trajectory of science currently.
Now we also got very divisive this decade, politics divided us in a very extreme manor. Our culture in the west lead to major group think on all sides of the political spectrum causing an “Us vs Them” mentality which only leads to us thinking the worst of the perceived”enemy”.
So going into 2020 we should realize that no matter what we “identify as” we should remember we are all human, with various flaws and issues that give each of us an individual experience in their life.
Thus let us enter this new year and decade by just trying to be better to each other. To stop assigning malice to every slight, when people probably do not realize your position. Have productive dialog and debate, in a respectful way.
So here is to a fantastic new year and a great decade to you all.
Jaws Out.