July is almost done, Podcast episodes in August

So July has passed without a podcast episode. Motivation and frankly the lack of interesting stories to really put my take on. The only thing that would be worth bringing up is the continuing ringing of the bell to alert the masses to have a healthy distrust of the government.

So until next time, Jaws Out.

What happened to May 2021

Well we are at the end of May 2021 and the third major restrictions with regards to Covid is being lifted as vaccination rates are climbing. It was just a year ago the first four weeks to flatten the curve became two and a half months. Feels like a strange case of deja vue.

Anyway we have had a short conflict between Israel and Hamas, more police brutality videos coming to light, science being confused for political science. It has been a strange month.

I myself have been hard a my regular job, and thus have not been able to put the needed energy into Jaws Consortium recently. I have podcast script ready and just need time to record it. So sorry for the radio silence.

June and July should be better as stuff can happen without the nose of government sniffing around. Better weather means more energy and usually motivation.

Jaws out.

2019 Is ending.

So we exit 2019 and enter the 2020 decade. It has been quite a year and decade. The metrics of the 2010s show that it was the best decade on record for mankind.

Now it does not mean that the decade was not flawed. Climate change is still a major pressing issue for the planet’s future. Unfortunately the 2011 Japan earthquake and the meltdown at Fukushima caused a major setback in the public mind of nuclear power. Nuclear power is our single best bet against climate change as other alternatives have energy and disposal flaws in the future. One example is the damage that small particles in the wind cause to wind turbine blades. Now these problems could be solved by technology in the future and that is quite likely looking at the trajectory of science currently.

Now we also got very divisive this decade, politics divided us in a very extreme manor. Our culture in the west lead to major group think on all sides of the political spectrum causing an “Us vs Them” mentality which only leads to us thinking the worst of the perceived”enemy”.

So going into 2020 we should realize that no matter what we “identify as” we should remember we are all human, with various flaws and issues that give each of us an individual experience in their life.

Thus let us enter this new year and decade by just trying to be better to each other. To stop assigning malice to every slight, when people probably do not realize your position. Have productive dialog and debate, in a respectful way.

So here is to a fantastic new year and a great decade to you all.

Jaws Out.

Lead-up to the Suicide Salami

So I have not posted an episode of Stories From The Crisper Drawer in a while. Life has gotten busy in various ways. I plan to record an episode soon and get it up. Might discuss some thoughts from E3 and other stuff.

As that is being worked on I have been playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2 on the Switch again, and I have really gotten a lot done. Granted I have over 75 hours in the game. I really do like it though I need 5 more Blades to have all the randomly spawned rare blades. Man I can get lost in that game and it really just feels nice. I have not been playing much else, though I did start new game + mode for God of War (ps4) and that is also quite fun to experience again.

There has not really been to much to really talk about that is really in my wheel house. Iran and the US are seemingly edging towards conflict, but hopefully cooler heads will prevail. Everything else is just going slowly because my two jobs are eating away my free time and time to do other things with friends. Can’t really spend time developing an idea for here when most of my time is used up with other work and annoying stresses from that.

Anyways more stuff coming soon.

Jaws out.

Status update on various projects

So I have not really put much content on this site dedicated to this page. I am increasing the frequency of my podcast episodes but I do not have any guest lined up for the foreseeable future.

Anyway I have been playing around with Blackmagic Design’s DaVinci Resolve video editing software as well as Openshot. Now both are for free, but DaVinci does have a paid version with superior plugins and other stuff for professional level work included at the great cost of C$405.00.

Openshot is cool as an opensource video editing unit. first impressions are better than my 2005-2006 experience with Adobe premier elements. of course with over 10 years difference in usage does make a big difference so, by no means a fair comparison for adobe’s current products that I have not played with. I frankly like it a lot because it is an opensource platform for video editing and with more time I could become quite proficient with it. Also Openshot only uses 500 megs of RAM unless you tell it to use more, if I had put it higher maybe I would have had a better experience. Now knowing that means I will set the RAM to a comparable level with DaVinci Resolve.

Now DaVinci Resolve is made by Blackmagic Design and is Hollywood grade, I have only used it for one project but it was faster to sync up audio and video from two sources compared to Openshot but that might have been the mentioned RAM issue. I do like how it can setup the UI based on other video editors like Adobe’s Premier and Finalcut Pro. So that makes it friendly to get into.

Both these are going to be tested more as well as OBS when I start live streaming and creating video podcast episodes and stuff of that nature.

Anyway I am also looking at getting some video capture equipment for my video game systems as well as live video switching through a dedicated switching board. Man do video switchers cost a good amount of money, but probably worth it for what they are capable of doing.

So that is about it, hopefully I get this project off the ground soon and can expand the Jaws Consortium stuff to featuring video content also from the crisper drawer.

Jaws Out.

So we are back…

Yeah so I lost the old Jaws Consortium, but I felt like a rebirth was worth the work for it going forward. So we have a lot to catch up on. Check back soon for whatever I am talking about.

Jaws Out.

Hello world!

Jaws Consortium is back up. After the older server being hacked and losing the old beast, we are back at it.  July 31 2018 is the day of our rebirth on the internet.  Going forward Jaws Consortium will strive to be more active.

Special Thanks to Simon for helping get Jaws Consortium up and running again.

Jaws Out.